
“tough times never last, but tough people do”

Robert H. Schuller

This quote made me think of ‘Our Den’, CC resident ‘Character with a Camera’.

Dennis went into hospital expecting to have a toe or two amputated from his good foot, only to wake up to find they had to take his leg from the knee down in order to save his life. He says rather that than not be here at all. Never as much as a moan. That commands respect in my book!

He can’t wait to get back with us, but that could be a while due to the fact he has to wait for a stairlift fitted in his home,which could be a few months away.

The good news is he feels no pain and the wound is healing well.

Gary has been in touch with him, offering his services, which is no surprise, that’s Gaz. We look forward to the day Dennis is back with us.

We also have to say a fond farewell, albeit a temporary one, to valued team member, skipper Kev Young.

Kevin has taken on a driving job that will keep him busy in school term times. However, he has made himself available for trips in any free time he has, weekends etc.

Our gratitude for all he has done and best wishes go with him. Thanks Kev!

This sad news was lessened on account of two crewmen gaining their skippers tickets.

Congratulations to Peter and Zayne. Well done guys!

Great timing.

Kev will be succeeded as skipper of Happy Wednesdays by big Peter Bradley, who crewed on Kev most weeks, so knows the people, with myself crewing.

Young Zayne has a lot to offer as he has spent a lot of time working with, and learning from, Toren, a lad of the same age, who lives on his own boat. Toren, with the ability to turn his hand to a number of tasks, has been with us a few years now.


What floats your boat?

For me it’s interacting with as many different people as I can. When this is on a weekly basis for a few hours, bonds can be built from which trust grows. Who knows what goes on behind the closed doors of the minds of others.

That’s where I see the power of being in the middle of a river with nowhere to go. We can’t just get off and take our ball home. What a tool our boat can be for people to offload if they wish.

It’s an acceptable fact of life that we’re all unique. We all have our own experiences, which shape who we become. I read somewhere that our personalities are made up of the sum total of our personal realities, which makes sense.

Some guys we never see again, others come for as long as it takes to work for them. Then there are those of us who are ‘hooked’ by the peace of nature and enjoy the banter of our ‘crazy’ little gang.

This past month we offered a warm welcome to ‘newbie’ Andy, who is a member of the same walking club as Barry.

Andy, of Chinese descent, was born in Macau, a former Portuguese colony with a population of 710,000, which is said to be the most densely populated area of any region worldwide.

Then this past two weeks fifteen year old schoolboy Buster was introduced by our boss Peter Forrest. Buster an amiable young man, will be leaving us when the schools are back.

One week the trip was cancelled due to heavy rain, again. The week after we were out on the hottest day of the year so far. Glorious!

Robert was back after a while away and had a good length of time on the tiller. He’s like a ghost, turns up for a couple of weeks, then goes off to do his thing for a while.


Wednesdays can be challenging, as one week the boat can be full, while the week later there are only a couple to take out. Which can be a staffing headache for management.

Only this past month the numbers dictated that Matthews two carers had to be left behind in the lock-house. Makes it sound like a prison!

Last week was my first trip out with them as crew, which was interesting and entertaining, while Peter rose to being in charge for the first time.

On the boat with us were Oliver, Damien, William and Matthew, who was, as always, escorted by his two young lady carers, who were friendly and polite.

I’m looking forward to getting to know the gang better along with others I haven’t yet met.

Next month I expect to have some info on a new project – RIVERLUTION

Onwards and upwards.

Until then, all the best for now!
