Giving Tuesday

The impact of Covid-19 is being felt by many charitable organisations and it was gratifying to see Canal and River Trust (CRT) using Giving Tuesday, the global day of giving and unity, to launch an appeal to support waterways- based charities, in their time of need.

There is valuable evidence of the service that is provided by community boats across the network. They are struggling with the opportunity to raise income in their peak season whilst offering respite to those most in need. There is little doubt that their services will be required in the (hopefully) near future to offer support to communities whose residents struggle with multiple challenges but also those communities of interest who have been disproportionately hit within the current crisis.


I have used the cover of the report of the Inland Waterways Authority Advisory Council which was a study carried out in 2009 by the now defunct “quango”. They provided an argument for a closer relationship between British Waterways (now CRT) and the National Community Boats Association (NCBA) and led to discussions between all 3 Organisations in 2010 to explore how that vision could materialise. The transition to CRT stilted those discussions but I have long held the belief that a closer strategic relationship between CRT and community boats would provide a more sustainable basis to ensure the longevity of the valuable service those boats bring to so many.
I hope that the appeal will provide a much needed life line to ensure the survival of those organisations in the short term but will also provide an impetus for opportunities to explore a longer term solution for bringing life to the original aspiration of Waterways for Tomorrow.

Community Boats truly support the health and well being aspirations of CRT and as Jack demonstrated in his recent Reflections,

“Life is better ON the water”

JW Reflection w.jpg